
ja/orso/bc april 13th update

So, yeah, we hit a snag. Venmo can’t work in the volume we need, so we ask you to download PayPal and set up an account. You should have received an email about this today. If not, please write to us at

Sorry for extra step, it’s just a small delay. Apologies.


ja/orso/bc april 7th

There’s movement on the GFM saga. Because we’re not a single person or a charity/company, but rather a group of individuals, we have a little extra paperwork to do. Plus, their response time is slow, but the wheels are turning. We want to get this money out out out.

Thanks to everyone who took the time to record a thank you for the video, if you haven’t seen it, here it is.

Hay movimiento en la saga GFM. Debido a que no somos una sola persona o una organización benéfica / empresa, sino un grupo de personas, tenemos un poco de papeleo adicional que hacer. Además, su tiempo de respuesta es lento, pero las ruedas giran. Queremos sacar este dinero.

Gracias a todos los que se tomaron el tiempo de grabar un agradecimiento por el video, si no lo han visto, aquí está.

ja/orso/bc update april 5th

We’re still waiting for positive confirmation from GFM about access to the funds we’ve raised. The ability to contact anyone in person over the phone or via email is pretty much nonexistent—so we’re just waiting. And waiting. And waiting.

But it’s allowed us additional time to harangue every staff member into signing up for venmo. We’re waiting on just 15 people out of more than 100. Hopefully, by the end of today we’ll add a few more to our list.

This extra time has also allowed us to raise a bit more money. Our goal is 100k, we’re at 70k now and would like to see it climb a little higher. We’re planning one last gentle ask/social media post, and that’s it. A group email will be going out later today (we hope) with an update and information.

Todavía estamos esperando la confirmación positiva de GFM sobre el acceso a los fondos que hemos recaudado. La capacidad de contactar a cualquier persona en persona por teléfono o por correo electrónico es prácticamente inexistente, por lo que solo estamos esperando. Y esperando. Y esperando.

Pero nos ha permitido tiempo adicional para organizar a cada miembro del personal para que se registre en Venmo. Estamos esperando a solo 15 personas de más de 100. Esperemos que, para el final de hoy, agreguemos algunas más a nuestra lista.

Este tiempo extra también nos ha permitido recaudar un poco más de dinero. Nuestro objetivo es 100k, ahora estamos en 70k y nos gustaría verlo subir un poco más alto. Estamos planeando una última publicación de preguntas / redes sociales, y eso es todo. Un correo electrónico grupal saldrá más tarde hoy (esperamos) con una actualización e información.

ja/orso/bc update April 2

I’ve heard it’s going to a little while longer for GoFundMe to transfer money to banks due to an overwhelming amount of requests right now, so our end date is not our end date anymore and payments may be delayed a few days. We’ve reached out to GFM, but haven’t heard back yet. Oy.

Reach out to your coworkers, see if they’re okay. I know some in our extended family have been hit by COVID, so check in with them, and if you’re able, give them a hand.

He escuchado que GoFundMe tardará un poco más en transferir dinero a los bancos debido a una cantidad abrumadora de solicitudes en este momento, por lo que nuestra fecha de finalización ya no es nuestra fecha de finalización y los pagos pueden retrasarse unos días. Nos hemos comunicado con GFM, pero aún no hemos recibido respuesta. Aye!

Comunícate con tus compañeros de trabajo para ver si están bien. Sé que algunos en nuestra familia extendida han sido golpeados por COVID, así que infórmate con ellos y, si puedes, échales una mano.

Update April 1st

We’re giving ourselves an end date for our campaign, this Sunday, April 5th, at Midnight. We think it’s the best way to handle and distribute money in the quickest way possible. So, if you want to spread the word, if you want to gently ask anyone for a donation, now is the time, let them know our end date.

We want to distribute money starting April 6th, but there may be a delay due to the amount we raised and transfering it to tour bank. We got the process started early, so hopefully not.

We have an email address, it’s If you want opt out, have a question, or anything else, we’ll try to answer ASAP.

A reminder, our GFM page is HERE. If you need a little lift, scroll through the comments and our donor lists, it’s quite heartwarming.

Perdón por mi español, es google, pero…

Nos estamos dando una fecha de finalización para nuestra campaña, este domingo 5 de abril a medianoche. Creemos que es la mejor manera de manejar y distribuir dinero de la manera más rápida posible. Por lo tanto, si desea correr la voz, si desea pedirle a alguien una donación, ahora es el momento, hágales saber nuestra fecha de finalización.

Queremos distribuir dinero a partir del 6 de abril, pero puede haber una demora debido a la cantidad que recaudamos y transferirlo al banco del tour. Comenzamos el proceso temprano, así que espero que no.

Tenemos una dirección de correo electrónico, es Si desea optar por no participar, tiene una pregunta o cualquier otra cosa, trataremos de responder lo antes posible.

Un recordatorio, nuestra página de GFM está AQUÍ. Si necesita un pequeño impulso, desplácese por los comentarios y nuestras listas de donantes, es muy conmovedor.


Hello Everyone,

Hope you’re all okay and hanging in there.

Rich, James, and I have been working on our GFM campaign with input and guidance from the higher-ups, so, thank you to everyone involved. Obviously, we’re wading in unfamiliar waters, not only with the entire COVID situation, but with how to navigate this entire process. A lot of people have been extraordinarily generous towards us, so scroll through our donor list and make a mental note to thank them once we get back to work. If you haven’t seen it yet, there’s a link below. Feel free to share it with friends and family.

***EDIT*** You are included in the pool by default. If you’d like to opt out, email me.

This is our best guess as to how it will work. It may change a little, who knows? But we just want to get this info out to everyone.

If anyone has suggestions as to the best way to deliver money digitally and quickly, let us know. We’re thinking it might be Venmo or ApplePay, but if anyone has experience in this, we’d appreciate your input.

Also, any fluent Spanish speakers out there willing to spend some time translating?

Our emails are listed below.



Because I like churches

From a client shoot at Riverside Church in upper Manhattan earlier this year. I've always been taken with the architecture of Cathedrals, maybe because most were built by hand, before the introduction of rebar and steel. The grand spaces, the delicate archways, the stained glass. Anyway...


Abingdon Theatre's 25th Annual Gala

Was lucky enough to be asked to photograph the goings-on of the Abingdon Theatre 25th Anniversary Gala last week and, yowza, what an amazing show they put on!

An absolutely electric number, (l. to r.) Bianca Marroquin, Brenda Braxton, Sally Ann Triplett. 

An absolutely electric number, (l. to r.) Bianca Marroquin, Brenda Braxton, Sally Ann Triplett. 

This is Cunio. Uh-maze-ing voice, check him out.

This is Cunio. Uh-maze-ing voice, check him out.

And, a most wonderful surprise, Ruthie Henshall. Such a fan of hers, such a fan, i was thrilled when I learned she was on the bill.

And, a most wonderful surprise, Ruthie Henshall. Such a fan of hers, such a fan, i was thrilled when I learned she was on the bill.

The Mailroom

DJ Passport at the controls in the new downtown space, The Mailroom. Fun night, fun crowd, very cool space.
